MLS Solution for Wisconsin Agents!!

(Click on this for a solution with instructions:  Solution for MLS Contingency Display Issue In Wisconsin.web)

There have been multiple concerns from Wisconsin Agents over the past two days concerning listings in Wisconsin that are active with contingencies.

There are many moving parts to this and the above solution likely does not solve every concern that has been raised. However, it is a workable solution for this time and we will be happy to field any of your calls with questions.

The entire existence of our organization is to promote your business interests and make your businesses easier and better, and I can assure you it is never taken lightly. We will continue to work on your behalf and solve these problems to make sure you and your clients have the best experience possible.

I can report that outside of this real and merited issue we are addressing, the rest of a year long vision of our MLS Committee has been implemented without issue. I am very grateful for the work of the committee and the long hours they all put in.

Finally, I want to thank everyone who quickly brought these issues to our attention and engaged in a discourse about any problems you were facing. Your voices are always heard.

Gabe Walsh
Chief Executive Officer
Lake Superior Area REALTORS, Inc.


Solution for MLS Contingency Display Issue In Wisconsin.web