Paragon FAQ’s

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Assume Idenity: How do I set up Assume Identity so I can access listings for Agents within an office, team, or administrators who maintain agent listings?

Answer:  If you would like to have an Agent, Team Member, or Office Administrator be able to assume your identity in Paragon, click the link below to watch a video presented by Black Knight.


Client Email Opt-in/Opt-out:  My client is opted out to receive mails from Paragon and cannot receive any listings I email I send to them or search auto email. How do I correct this?

Answer: To opt your contact back into receiving emails from Paragon again, please follow the link below for a tutorial on how to do so.


Cookies and Cache: How do I clear my cookies and cache?

Follow the link below to learn how to clear your cookies and cache for your preferred Internet Browser


Phone Number Display on Listings: How do I get my Preferred Phone Number to display on my reports and brochures?


  1. Click on the tab on the Paragon Home Screen
  2. Under the Preferences category select System
  3. Then choose Results Options in within the System Preferences Folder
  4. Next scroll down your options to Display Phone Number and check the box which will allow the agents phone number to display on any report view that contains the agents name.


Market Monitor: Why am I only seeing 3 listings on the Market Monitor? How do I customize the Market Monitor to fit my needs?

Answer: You may need to customize your Marker Monitor to fit your specifications to what you would like to see. Follow the link below to Paragon’s Help Site and click on the Market Monitor Video to watch and in-depth video on how to customize your Market Monitor.


Status- Hold/No Showings: I have a listing that is in a “Hold/No Showings” status in the LSAR MLS. How do I set my listing back to an “Active” status?

Answer: Agents/Admins have the ability to change the listing status from “Hold/No Showings back to an “Active” status on their own in the LSAR MLS.


Status-Expired: What do I do with my Expired listings?

Answer: If your listing has expired there is nothing required for the listing agent to do, but do take note that if you plan on extending your listing agreement you have two business days to send in a signed extension agreement signed and dated by both parties after the listing has expired to set the listing back to an Active status in the MLS.


Add Waterfront Name: I’m trying to add a Waterfront Name to my listing but its not showing up on my list of choices on the drop down in the MLS Input Form. Can I call the LSAR office and have them add the Waterfront Name?

Answer: First check to make sure that the Waterfront in question is registered on the MN/WI DNR site as a body of water with a Lake ID Number. If so, then call the LSAR office and a staff member will be more than happy to add the Waterfront name in question to Paragon.